Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jennifer Garner Meets Mary Poppins!

Wow. Ok, two things:
1.) Jennifer is really pretty on her own, no matter what she's wearing.
2.) But this dress-coat-thingy surprises me. She's so full of energy!

She might've been having an off day or something, whatever, but especially that purse makes her look like she's seven, and Mommy gave her a "new" purse!

Best of wishes,

Monday, February 23, 2009

America Ferarra - Not So Ugly Betty

This is the first time I've really seen America outside of my fave show, Ugly Betty. She looks so gorgeous, with her sleek black hair. (I just had to say something about it!) I love the dress, and especially the matching shoes. It sort of looks too tight under the black part, but it does flatter her figure. The pattern here is great. The blue looks good with the black bar thing-y, which matches her hair. Overall, I love it, and you should too!

Comment on what you think!
Best wishes,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wow, Katy. You've managed to put together another crazy, but somewhat stylish outfit. Let's start from the shoes up. Her shoes are so stylish, and they look great with her purple jeans. That Hershey's shirt is classic. It looks wonderful with the jeans, even if they don't match. It would've looked better without the Hershey's sweatshirt, with just the star tank, but, honey, that's Katy for you! The best part is the gold bow headband, which looks great with her blackish hair and chunky bangles.
Comment on what you thin,

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Emma Went... Vintage/Chic?

Oh, Emma, you've done it again! This outfit is -happy happy joy joy- so gorgeous. Emma isn't too flashy, and she's very tasteful, with her green-and-blue two piece blouse. Her black shorts compliment her AWESOME mini tophat, and her shoes and jewelry bring the whole outfit together!
Comment on what you think,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Miley Cyrus - Funky Ain't For You.

Ok. Here, we have Miley, in some sort of fantasy game tee shirt, (I sure hope it's not WoW) a gray miniskirt, and... BLUE MOCCASINS? As my older brother (the fashion king) would say, "It doesn't match!" Sometimes, things don't have to match. But this is too much. The ripped stockings just make it worse. Celebrities can't risk being too funky, I mean, a normal person (not that any normal person would attempt this) could pull this off! But Miley??? I don't think so! Comment on what you think...